Chapel Memo – Exercise Five

TO: Judson University Students

FROM: Chris Lash Judson University Campus Pastor

DATE: November 22, 2021

SUBJECT: Chapel Sign-in is Working

The sign-in malfunction has been officially fixed by Judson University’s IT department, so we will be back up and running with signing in to chapel each morning.

As many of you know, we were struggling with being able to check students in chapel, because of the computer system. This leads to a serious slow down in letting people out of chapel which is a problem since it can cause them to be late for class.

The IT team was able to fix the issues with the computers and we should be all good to go. Leaving chapel should go much smoother. Thank you all for your cooperation and patience during this time. Hopefully, we shouldn’t experience any more technical difficulties.

Categorized as Chapter 14

By Kaylee Sergeant

College student who likes books, need I say more?

1 comment

  1. While this covers the details of a broken system that’s been fixed, it would be good to build a bit of goodwill by acknowledging the inconvenience, thanking them for their patience, and announcing the fix along with any process changes. Remember to keep the needed information at the very top, followed by supporting insights.


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