6 Elements of Libel – Exercise Two

The six elements of libel begin with a defamatory message. This would mean that whatever was published portrays the plaintiff in a poor light. It makes the audience see the negative aspects or damages the reputation of the plaintiff. This could be as easy as the plaintiff is being called a defamatory name like “whore”… Continue reading 6 Elements of Libel – Exercise Two

First Amendment and Freedom of The Press – Exercise One

https://www.thoughtco.com/the-first-amendment-2073720 Thought Co. has an article on freedom of the press called “What Does the First Amendment Mean to the Press?” and in it author Tony Rogers discusses what freedom of speech looks like for the media. Rogers says that it is mainly about how the government cannot restrain the media’s voice. The government cannot… Continue reading First Amendment and Freedom of The Press – Exercise One

Intrusion: Lots of Gray Areas – Exercise Three

The most difficult privacy tort would be “intrusion upon seclusion or solitude, or into private affairs.” I find this hard to define because there are so many ways that you could accidentally break this rule, particularly when it comes to documents and records. Some of the examples feel obvious, like breaking into someone’s home or… Continue reading Intrusion: Lots of Gray Areas – Exercise Three

Radio Version of Exercise Three – Exercise Four

WHO Manipulating Investagations 10:00 PM News Kaylee Sergeant 10/14/2021 (RUNS 1:00) Sergeant: In Beijing, China’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday warned against what it called possible ‘political manipulation’ of a new investigation by the World Health Organization into the origins of the coronavirus, while saying it would support the international body’s efforts. The (W. H. O.)… Continue reading Radio Version of Exercise Three – Exercise Four

China warns against “manipulation” of WHO virus probe – Exercise Three

WHO Renew Investagations into China’s Labs 10:00 PM NEWS Kaylee Sergeant 10/14/2021 (RUNS :45) https://www.dailyherald.com/article/20211014/news/310149945/ Beijing, China’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday warned against what it called possible ‘political manipulation’ of a new investigation by the World Health Organization into the origins of the coronavirus, while saying it would support the international body’s efforts. The (W.… Continue reading China warns against “manipulation” of WHO virus probe – Exercise Three

Brevity and Conciseness – Exercise Two

a. Social scientists use behavior studies and a reward-punishment system while working with college classrooms. b. The 2007 Ford Mustang will be redesign to allow for tighter turns. c. The airport noise study shows there is a correlation between louder noise and progressive hearing loss in the local elderly. d. An accidental shooting due to… Continue reading Brevity and Conciseness – Exercise Two

Passive Verus Active Voice – Exercise One

a. The first basemen hit the baseball. b. The council member found the the terms unreasonable. c. The unhappy drivers made complains about the road to the mayor. d. Dirty windshields often cause accidents. e. Retired football players often have problems with brain injuries.

De Blasio not ruling out mandatory vaccinations for NYPD: ‘Looking at all options’ – Exercise Six

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/de-blasio-mandatory-vaccination-nypd Lead Option 1. Mayor Bill De Blasio of New York City works to decide on vaccination mandates Friday. Both commissioners of the police department and fire department say they want it to happen. With the mandate, will come a mass firing of firefighters and police. Lead Option 2. Vaccination mandates for the NYPD are… Continue reading De Blasio not ruling out mandatory vaccinations for NYPD: ‘Looking at all options’ – Exercise Six

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